My hubby is depress again.

After all the crying, I have straighten up my thoughts and pick myself up.

I guessed my hubby was depressed again. Maybe it is wrong of me to cried infront of him and just run out of the house like that. But I cannot control that, I was feeling very sad too.

I guess he will sms me in the middle of the night again, telling me all that stuffs again.

I think for my part, I will have to tell myself that I will be marrying a depress husband in two weeks time, stay with him forever that way and tried to change him for the better. I need to keep myself sane at the same time while we are going through life, we have taken our vows three years ago that we will be going through thick and thin.

Well, if he start smoking again, I will just have to wipe my tears dry and tell him that it hurts me when you smoke. I will also have to recognise the fact that his depression will have the possibility to pass on to his future children if he has one. I will also have to be his children consultor too.

I hope that he will not end his life as he has promise me not to five years ago. I had reminded him that the last depression he got and he said sorry he might break the promise. Sometime, it make me so frighten hearing him said all these things. I think I need to see a doctor myself if this goes on.


Anonymous said...

You must be a very strong and loving woman to be able to carry her man through his dark times. I hope if the case ever comes up, that he will do the same for you in your dark times. I hope everything will be alright and he really is the man you want to spend your life with.
-sinta from

Draiky said...

I hope that I am really that strong. I have been crying all night again. I just wish that I will have a happy married life after my wedding and nothing else is important.