Conscious Wedding

A Conscious Bride is a Calm, Joyful, and Present Bride.

A Conscious Wedding is a Meaningful, Creative, and Loving Event.

Welcome to the Conscious Weddings web site! I would like to extend my personal welcome to you, as well as commend you for having the courage to delve beyond the superficial aspects of a wedding and dive into its emotional underbelly. What do I mean by emotional underbelly? I mean that in a culture that touts the wedding as the pinnacle of joy in a couple's - or family's - life, the grief, fear, confusion, and sense of aloneness that often accompany this event are pushed underground. So it has become something of a taboo in our culture to utter the words "grief" and "wedding" in the same breath. Yet how could grief and fear not be a part of this transition! We have the bride and groom letting go of their singlehood and stepping into one of the biggest commitments of their lives; we have the mothers of the bride and groom letting go of their "little ones" and possibly facing their own disappointments about their wedding or marriage; and we have girlfriends freaking out about panty hose color when really they're scared about losing, at least temporarily, their lifelong friend. In short, a wedding, as the rite of passage that it is, involves a loss and a gain, a death and a birth, an ending and a beginning. And in order to celebrate the joy and embrace the birth that a wedding and new marriage brings, we need to be willing to face our fears, honor our losses, and talk about more than napkin colors and flower arrangements as the big day nears.

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